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SUNY Niagara shares finalists for President of the college

SUNY Niagara shared that it is one step closer to finding a new president.

NIAGARA COUNTY, N.Y. — SUNY Niagara has shared that they are one step closer to finding their new president as they have narrowed down the search to four finalists. 

The four finalists are Andrew W. Browne, Ed.D., Lloyd A. Holmes, Ph.D., Dr. Rai Kathuria and Jason Adsit, Ph.D. They will be getting a chance to tour the campus during the week of March 17.

“We are delighted with the progress of our presidential search and excited to welcome these finalists to SUNY Niagara,” said SUNY Niagara Board of Trustees Chairman Kevin Clark, who also leads the Presidential Search Committee. “Our committee has done excellent work to bring the search to this point. We look forward to introducing finalists to the college community.”

To read each candidates full bio those interested can visit www.niagaracc.suny.edu

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