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Buffalo Teachers Federation responds to district statement regarding McKinley High School

The Buffalo Teacher's Federation is fighting back against claims by the school district that the union says are, "Insulting, Derogatory and False."
Credit: WGRZ-TV

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Buffalo Teachers Federation is fighting back against a statement from the school district over ongoing concerns at McKinley High School.

2 On Your Side's Claudine Ewing has been reporting on concerns about the school after a teacher said he was body slammed by a 14-year-old student.

MORE: McKinley High School teacher: 'I was body slammed'

MORE: Excessive tardiness & no detention at McKinley concerns teachers union

The union is also concerned about excessive tardiness, no detention, and the overall safety and learning conditions at McKinely High School.

In January 2018, more than 60% of McKinley High's faculty voted, "no confidence," in Principal Marck Abraham. A year after that vote, the union says, "Nothing has been done, so teaching and learning conditions get worse."

The Buffalo School District released this statement about the BTF's claims: 

“Pernicious BTF statements that so egregiously distort and mischaracterized what is occurring at one of our finest high schools are insulting to the students, the teachers, the staff, and the administration of McKinley HS.  

Administratively, all matters were handled procedurally correct as in any other high school across the city. 

We are not at liberty to discuss the specifics of any personnel cases.  

So-called “vote of no confidence” surveys are a bogus and bullying tactic that are always deeply flawed and unverifiable.  

The District is steadfastly focused on increasing equity and student achievement for all of our students in all of our schools. We hold all staff accountable, and we expect staff to model a strong growth mindset and high expectations for all of our students.”

Today the Buffalo Teacher's Federation responded to the districts claims, saying they are, "insulting, derogatory and false." Releasing a statement saying: 

“The District statement apparently approved by the Superintendent and Board of Education is insulting, derogatory and false. 

It insults all teachers who, while celebrating our students’ success, will not allow other students to create unsafe teaching and learning conditions.  

We will not participate in what may be a cover-up by some”, stated Phil Rumore, President of the Buffalo Teachers Federation."

The BTF claims that the principal at McKinley High School hosts, "detention parties," also saying that while the principal was not present for the 'parties,' students assigned were unexpectedly placed with suspended students. 

The BTF is also alleging that the students at McKinley who were initially coded as suspended were later re-coded as illegally absent. The union claims that re-code would create a lower suspension rate.

MORE: McKinley High students not happy with images of bad behavior

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