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Thief's snow shoeprints lead officers to arrest, Jefferson County deputies say

Charlie Brown, 19, and his accomplice Gregory Allen, 28, both face first-degree robbery charges. Each of their bonds was set at $500,000, cash only.
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Sunny shoe prints in fresh snowy background.

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Mo. — Police arrested a 19-year-old named Charlie Brown and an accomplice for allegedly robbing an Imo's Pizza delivery driver in Arnold on Sunday. 

Investigators reportedly followed a set of fresh shoe prints in the snow from the crime scene to a nearby backyard, according to information from the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office.

Charlie Brown, 19, and his accomplice Gregory Allen, 28, both face first-degree robbery charges. Each of their bonds was set at $500,000, cash only.

According to court documents, police followed the shoe prints in the snow to a home. After getting a search warrant, police searched the Arnold home and found the suspects with the stolen Imo's Pizza delivery.

The suspects met the delivery driver at the designated delivery location, away from the home.

Brown, who lives in Arnold, tried to take the order from the delivery driver, but the driver insisted on payment first. That's when Brown grabbed the food and threatened the driver.

The delivery driver told police they saw what looked like the barrel of a gun sticking out of Allen's clothing. Fearing for his life, the driver let the food go, they told police.

The suspects left the crime scene, leaving a trail of shoe prints that led investigators directly to them, court records said.

Police officers responding to the scene searched the area near the crime scene and found the shoe prints.

Allen, from St. Louis, and Brown both have had prior encounters with law enforcement. That was one of the prosecutors's arguments for such a large bond amount. Another argument for the large bond amount was that the suspects knew where the victim worked.

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