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Town reverses course on cannabis — for businesses' sake

The Town of Niagara, which previously opted out of having adult-use cannabis dispensaries, is now on board with legal weed.
More than 500 of these illegal stores have been closed

NIAGARA COUNTY, N.Y. — The Town of Niagara, which previously opted out of having adult-use cannabis dispensaries, is now on board with legal weed.

The town opted out in 2020, meaning state-licensed cannabis businesses couldn’t do business there, according to town supervisor Sylvia Virtuoso. That was under different board leadership, including previous Town supervisor Lee Wallace, who did not seek a third term after his ninth year in office last year. 

“It was brand new, and everything was uncertain,” Virtuoso said about the cannabis industry in 2020. “They gave it time. Now, in 2024, we have a long-time store owner who’s been here selling CBD oils, and they want to get a license for retail cannabis, and they wanted our support.” 

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