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Buffalo residents take action against abandoned homes

City Councilman Joseph Golombek hears complaints every day about absentee landlords and land speculators from Buffalo residents.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — For developers and investors, a vacant city lot can be the land of opportunity. However, for neighbors, it can be a big headache.

Buffalo Common Council member Joseph Golombek hears complaints every day about absentee landlords and land speculators from people such as Buffalo resident Larry Williams. 

"We're basically being phased out. A lot of us feel like we're phased out. It doesn't sit well with me," Larry Williams said. 

Williams says he's sick and tired of being sick tired.

"You have 20 houses that are already rented out; they're purchasing the property but not upkeeping it. They're not even fixing it, repairing it," Williams said.

He added, "I got the barbershop paid off; paid off my rent. Years in rent, but the roof is leaking. I tried to buy the building. They refused to sell to me and sold to a family or friend."

Williams is taking matters into his own hands instead of waiting for the city to catch up. He's trying to organize people in Buffalo, from any neighborhood, to place bids on homes before people who live outside the city buy them. 

Golombek says he's reaching out to property owners to clean up their lot, but they don't answer the phone. 

"I can't break the law and not allow a person to buy a property. We did get around years ago by not allowing people that have fines or tickets on their properties, but what they did then was make up a new LLC," Golombek said. 

Months prior, his proposal on "Land Value Taxation" came to a resolution that could negatively affect bad landlords. The resolution proposes that land is valued at a cost property owners believe it to be. As an example, property owners who believe their land is valued at $50,000, that's how much your property will be assessed to. 

Williams is offering to mentor younger generations and those who don't have an education in real estate about how to buy property.

For those that are interested, Williams is asking for small monetary donations. From there, they will work together on buying a house for you to be the next homeowner. 

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