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Say Cheese! The Cheez-It Diner in New York is open for business

The restaurant in Woodstock in downstate New York features creative takes on foods that may have never crossed your mind when thinking about the snack cracker.
Credit: Motion Bazaar// Ryan Gregory, Photographer - Kellanova
The Deluxe Cheez-It Milkshake

WOODSTOCK, N.Y. — If you have a craving for Cheez-Its, a new diner two hours south of New York City might hit the spot.

The Cheez-In Diner features Cheez-It themed dishes.

"We saw just how far our adventure-seeking Cheez-It fans would go when they Want It. Need It. Cheez-It. last year making the drive to our Joshua Tree Cheez-It Stop outpost," said Cara Tragseiler, Senior Brand Director for Cheez-It.

The restaurant's creators say they serve up American classic dishes with a cheesy twist. Offerings from the restaurant include:

  • Deluxe Cheez-It Milkshake (A vanilla and Cheez-It blended shake served with a caramel and Cheez-It cracker rim and topped with whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate sauce and a chocolate-dipped Cheez-It).
  • The Extra Cheezburger (A smash burger topped with pimento Cheez-It spread with lettuce, pickles and a large Cheez-It cracker).
  • Cheezy Chicky Tendies (Chicken tenders breaded in original Cheez-It crackers. Diners can add hot and spicy seasoning to them, or dip them in hot honey or in Hidden Valley Cheezy Ranch).
  • Cheez-It Fries (Crispy French fries tossed in ground Cheez-It crackers, with flavor options including Original, White Cheddar or Hot & Spicy seasoning. Pimento cheese sauce is added to make the fries deluxe).
  • Sweet-N-Salty Cheezcake (A creamy cheesecake dessert with a Cheez-It cracker pie crust topped with caramel and large Cheez-It crackers.
Credit: Credit: Motion Bazaar// Ryan Gregory, Photographer - Kellanova
The outside of the Cheez-In Diner inspired by Cheez-Its

The restaurant also sells Cheez-It merchandise and features the world's only Cheez-It Jukebox. Instead of coins, it's powered by Cheez-It crackers.

The diner opened this Monday and will only be open through Sunday, May 26. It's located at 261 Tinker Street in Woodstock.

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