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An update on Pepper, the foul-mouthed parrot looking for a home

Thursday's update included a video of Pepper, though he didn't swear in it. "Just Pepper being cute," the organization said.

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. — The Niagara SPCA last weekend shared the story of a potty-mouthed parrot named Pepper, who's looking for a home.

That led to more than 400 inquiries about Pepper, and a ton of vetting.

"We have stopped accepting applications. Our pool of applicants have been narrowed it down to 10 who we will be emailing to gather more information," the Niagara SPCA said Thursday on social media.

"We looked for adopters who offered parrot experience, information on housing/enclosures, and recognition that they would be able to age with Pepper or had plans for Pepper if he outlived them."

RELATED: A foul-mouthed parrot named Pepper is looking for a home

The post included a video of Pepper, though there was no swearing.

"Just Pepper being cute," the organization said.

Niagara SPCA said people far and wide have asked about bringing Pepper into their homes, including "Wild Bill who owns a saloon in San Antonio, and the ex-Navy sailor whose language is a match for Pepper's."

The 10 finalists will now receive an email, asking for photos of what would be Pepper's enclosures. The SPCA said that "several" of the applicants are from Western New York and that "Pepper will not be 'shipped' across the country without an accompanying adopter."

For now, Pepper's schedule is a modest one. He has an appointment next Wednesday "with an avian vet for a routine exam, nail, and beak trim, and to make sure he is in tip-top shape for his new adopter. He won't be leaving until after his vet visit next week."


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