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Walk to End Alzheimer's to raise money with Zumbathon

The Zumbathon is scheduled for this Sunday in Amherst.

AMHERST, N.Y. — This Sunday is your chance to support the Niagara County Walk to End Alzheimer's and burn some calories at the same time. For our Most Buffalo Story of the Day, we previewed this weekend's Zumbathon in Amherst.

"It brings out a lot of people. It's a great fundraiser. We have great instructors," said Peggy Parker, Niagara County Alzheimer's Walk Volunteer.

This year's Zumbathon to support the Niagara County Walk to End Alzheimer's is this Sunday at Catalyst Fitness on Maple Road in Amherst. For Peggy Parker, the cause is personal. 

"I lost my mom twenty years ago to this terrible disease and most people know someone who either has it or is bound to have it. We're just trying to raise awareness. We also would like to donate everything to research so that we can find a cure," said Peggy Parker.

All of the proceeds go directly to research to find a cure for Alzheimer's.

"We get close to $800, maybe a $1,000 just for the Zumbathon alone, and everybody loves to come out and dance, and have a good time, and share their feelings about Alzheimer's, and just help the cause," said Peggy Parker.

Parker asked Mary Gibbons if she could be one of the instructors for this weekend's Zumbathon. Gibbons has been a Zumba instructor since 2007, and it was an easy decision to say yes.

"It is a cause to me because I helped my boyfriend's mother who died of Alzheimer's. I took care of her for four years, and it's just a disease that can be very debilitating to people who have it and also the caregivers," said Mary Gibbons. "You lose memories and you lose the actual people, I mean before they're really gone, and that's how it's so heartbreaking."

Gibbons says the Zumbathon lets people have fun while raising money for the Alzheimer's Association.

"You come and it's a big party. We dance either for an hour or an hour-and-a-half, and it just gets people moving and feeling good, and they help contribute to a great cause," said Mary Gibbons.

The Zumbathon is this Sunday at 1 in the afternoon. It's $10, and there's also a basket raffle and a 50/50.

"We have like six or seven different instructors. You get to see different styles, and it's just a good time, and Zumba, they have done medical studies that Zumba raises endorphins in your system. You come out of a class and you're feeling good," said Mary Gibbons.

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