BUFFALO, N.Y. — Kids Escaping Drugs is sponsoring a Blood and Platelet Drive for the month of March. This year KED is partnering with the Donation Center at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, in honor of Sarah Cook, a young woman currently in treatment for acute myeloid leukemia.
During the month of March, KED invites you to consider signing up to donate blood or platelets. All donations stay at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center and support a critical need with their patients!
Roswell is in desperate need of platelet donors from ALL blood types. Platelet donations are a similar process to blood donations and take two hours to donate.
Roswell is ONLY accepting blood donors from the following blood types: O-, O+, B-, and B+. Roswell sources third-party organizations for the other blood types to meet their high demand. Because of their sourcing, they do not need donations from A+, A-, AB+, or AB-.
For those interested see instructions below:
1) Click here to fill out the prescreen form.
2) After filling out the form, you will be contacted by a Roswell staff member to set up an appointment.
3) Arrive on-site at Roswell during your scheduled appointment and give your donation. It’s as simple as that!
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns contact KED, 716-827-9462 or somicioli@ked.org.