You can never have too many handbags! Tory Burch has hot discounts on handbags as part of the Amazon Summer Sale, also known as the Big Style Sale. The fashion sale is on now to make up for Amazon Prime Day being delayed indefinitely, and features unmissable bargains from fashion brands like Kate Spade, Levi's and Tanya Taylor.
As part of the summer fashion sale, select designs of the Tory Burch Gemini Link Canvas Tote range are discounted by 25%, meaning select styles are down to $180.32 from the usual $258 retail price. The totes come with magnetic snaps for closure and feature the Tory Burch logo.
Made with coated canvas, it measures 17.25 inches by 11.5 inches -- which means plenty of space to stash the scarf, sweater and headband you already snagged in the Amazon Summer Sale 2020!
Plus, be sure to sign into your Prime account as Amazon Prime members get free two-day shipping on select items.