BUFFALO, N.Y. — A special ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Saturday morning at Buffalo's newest sensory garden.
Home Beneath Our Feet officially opened up their all-inclusive and wheelchair-accessible community garden on Ellicott Street.
"We had a clean-up day where everyone came out to enjoy themselves, and clean up the neighborhood, and the (Tops) massacre happened," Dwight Lowe, the founder of Home Beneath Our Feet, told 2 On Your Side.
"So we wanted to do a direct response and create a platform for folks to heal, have conversations, and healing circles to build and restore ourselves and everyone around."
The garden features produce, herbs and flowers. There's also a pond and a little free library.
"We encourage you guys to come when you see any greenery that needs to be harvested, come with your basket come and enjoy yourself. The food is free. Come and smell the flowers! We have a sensory garden here, so we have a smell bed; we have a taste bed; we have a touch bed. Come and enjoy it, come and take your time and really soak it in," Lowe added.