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Break ups are messy. Brexits are messier. But May keeps the cat.


'Iron Lady II' has arrived but she has nothing to do with Marvel

Theresa May curtsied before Queen Elizabeth II on Wednesday, becoming the United Kingdom's second female prime minister as David Cameron said “cheerio” to his colleagues in the House of Commons. May, who was greeted with congratulations from leaders around the world, has a reputation for steely determination and a willingness to stand up to the men who traditionally dominate British politics, and she'll need to be tough to successfully lead the U.K. as it negotiates its way through the Brexit, or exit from the European Union. Before departing, Cameron said yes, he does love Larry the Cat, but the Chief Mouser will remain at No. 10 Downing St. with May and her husband Philip. 

Notorious RBG gets into juicy beef with Trump

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg threw some high court shade at Donald Trump, and he is having none of it. In a tweet Wednesday, Trump said Ginsburg "embarrassed us all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot — resign!" What got the Donald riled enough to call the 83-year-old justice mentally unfit? Ginsburg said she didn't "even want to contemplate" a Trump presidency and later called him a "faker," who "says whatever comes into his head" and "really has an ego." Trump isn't alone in thinking Ginsburg was out of line. Both The New York Times and Washington Post editorial boards called her comments out of line, and politicians from both sides of the aisle also said it was inappropriate for a Supreme Court justice to weigh in on the election. 


Brady's only play to avoid suspension: A Supreme Court Hail Mary  

It looks like the New England Patriots will be without quarterback Tom Brady for the first four games of the season. The 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday denied Brady’s appeal in the ongoing Deflategate case. The main recourse Brady and the NFL Players Association now have to fight the suspension is to elevate the case to the Supreme Court. If the case is accepted by the high court, Brady and the NFLPA could seek a stay that would allow him to play while the process plays out in court. If Brady is forced to miss games, backup quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo likely would start in his place. Can he keep the Patriots afloat?


It looks like men aren't gonna call ‘Ghostbusters’

Before its U.S. release, the female-driven reboot of Ghostbusters is already getting some pretty horrible reviews— like a 3.9 out of 10 rating on IMDB.com type of horrible. Based on the demographic section of the movie’s IMBD page, however, the male reviewers are responsible for bringing the score down so low (they gave it an average 3.5 out of 10 rating). Women, on the other hand, didn’t hate it nearly as much, and their reviews averaged 7.5 out of 10. Critic-based rottentomatoes.com paints a much brighter picture, but gender disparities do still exist. The cast of the new Ghostbusters has already declared that they ain't afraid of no haters. Decide for yourself on Friday when the movie opens.


Shooting of 3 captured live on Facebook 

When the brains at Facebook dreamed up Live video, it’s likely no one could have predicted the broadcasts to come. The social network’s feature introduced Chewbacca Mom and her infectious laugh to the world, but it also put us in Philando Castile’s car to look on with horror as he died. And on Tuesday it showed us, in real-time, three Virginia men get shot while listening to music in a car. Their stream continued for about two hours as police arrived and bystanders offered aid. Two had life-threatening injuries and one was less seriously wounded, according to police. And the tragic incident begs the question: What might we watch, helplessly, unfold on Facebook Live next? 


Pokémon Go Need To Know

How Pokémon Go is making Nintendo billions

Holocaust Museum, Auschwitz want Pokémon Go hunts out sh

Playing Pokémon Go while black: Fear stifles the fun

'Pokémon Go' downloads top 15 million

Other things

Because obviously we should have all been geophysicists. These 11 jobs that pay $100K or more.

That was fast! The Juno spacecraft sent back its first image of Jupiter this week.

This is the world's new No. 1 airline. Get booking.

A woman fell 400 feet to her death after letting a hiker pass at the Grand Canyon.

Former president George W. Bush suddenly danced an awkward jig at a memorial for the slain Dallas officers.

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